How to Stop Blerps from Overlapping on Twitch

How to Stop Blerps from Overlapping on Twitch

Blerps are a fantastic way to engage your audience with fun and interactive sound clips during your Twitch streams. However, you might occasionally encounter an issue where Blerps overlap, especially when triggered by channel point rewards. This can lead to a chaotic experience for you and your viewers. Fortunately, there are effective strategies to prevent this from happening.

Why Blerps Overlap

Twitch controls the cooldown options for channel point redeems, and currently, there's no way to build a cooldown specifically for channel points because of their API. Additionally, it's important to note that overlapping happens when two viewers redeem a channel point reward simultaneously. 

Setting Cooldowns on Channel Point Rewards

The best way to prevent Blerp channel points from overlapping is by setting a cooldown on your channel point rewards. Here's how you can do it:

Navigate to Blerp's Channel Point Settings: Go to Blerp's Twitch Channel Points.

Edit Your Channel Point Reward: Select the “...” to the right of your channel point reward and then select “Edit Reward.”

Adjust Cooldown Settings: In the reward settings, scroll down until you see the options for channel cooldown, limit per stream, and limit per user per stream.

Set Your Cooldowns: Adjust these settings to whatever works best for you and your community. For example:

  • Channel Cooldown: This sets a cooldown period for the entire channel, ensuring that the viewer cannot redeem the reward again until the cooldown period is over.
  • Limit Per Stream: This limits how many times the reward can be redeemed during a single stream.
  • Limit Per User Per Stream: This restricts how many times an individual viewer can redeem the reward during a stream.

Tips for Optimizing Cooldowns

Experiment with Cooldown Durations: Start with a moderate cooldown and adjust based on your viewers' activity and feedback. You might find that a 30-second cooldown works well, or you may need to extend it further.

Increase Channel Point Prices: If cooldowns alone don’t solve the issue of overlapping Blerps, consider increasing the channel point price for the rewards. This can reduce the frequency of redeems and help manage the chaos.

Managing the overlap of Blerps triggered by channel point rewards requires some fine-tuning of your settings. By setting appropriate cooldowns and adjusting the channel point prices, you can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable experience for your viewers. Keep experimenting until you find the right balance for your community. Happy streaming!

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