How to Make Money on Kick

How to Make Money on Kick 

If you've been following the streaming scene, you've probably heard about, the platform that's making waves in the industry. Similar to Twitch, Kick allows streamers to earn money through their audience, but it's gaining attention for one crucial difference - the payout. In this guide, we'll walk you through how to make money on Kick and what it takes to become a successful Kick affiliate. Say goodbye to the rumors, and let's dive into the facts.

You might have heard whispers of paying streamers a whopping $16 an hour, but let's clear that up right away. While those rumors were enticing, they are, unfortunately, not true. However, there is real money to be made on Kick, and it all boils down to securing affiliate status and mastering the art of streaming.

2. Requirements for Becoming a Kick Affiliate

To become a Kick affiliate, you need to meet specific criteria:

Minimum Streaming Hours: You must have streamed for a minimum of 5 hours on the Kick platform. This requirement ensures that creators maintain an active presence and engage with their audience.

Minimum Number of Followers: Building a supportive audience is key. You need a minimum of 75 followers on your Kick channel to qualify for affiliate status. You can also check this out all in one bitcoin app.

Check Your Progress: Keep track of your streaming hours and follower count by logging into your Kick account and visiting the Achievements section. This way, you can monitor your progress towards becoming an affiliate.

Achieve Affiliate Status: Keep creating content and connecting with your audience until you hit the required 5 hours of streaming and 75 followers. Be yourself, engage with your viewers, and you'll soon attain affiliate status.

3. Setting Up Kick Subscriptions

Once you've achieved affiliate status, you'll have the opportunity to activate your subscription button and start earning revenue from paid subscriptions. This is where the magic happens, and your income can start to grow.

Setting up subscriptions might require a few extra steps, but you can find all the information you need on It's a straightforward process once you have affiliate status in the bag.

4. Benefits of Being a Kick Affiliate

Becoming a Kick affiliate brings a host of benefits, both for your wallet and your relationship with your audience:

Revenue from Subscriptions: By enabling subscriptions, you can earn a consistent income from your paid subscribers. This provides financial stability for your streaming journey.

Deeper Engagement: Subscribers gain access to exclusive features, including Kick sub emotes and sub badges. This exclusivity allows you to build stronger connections with your most dedicated fans.

Exclusive Emotes for Subscribers: As a Kick affiliate, you can upload up to 24 subscriber-only emotes. These emotes can be used across all Kick channels, enhancing your subscribers' experience.

Enable Sub Badges: Kick sub badges are symbols of support and loyalty. You can upload custom graphics for these badges, and they appear next to your subscribers' names in the chat, showcasing their commitment to your channel.

In conclusion, making money on is indeed a reality, but it requires dedication, engagement, and a loyal following. So, if you've been eyeing Kick as your platform of choice, start streaming, build your audience, and pave your way to affiliate status. Your journey to streaming success is just a few steps away, and is ready to reward your hard work. Get out there and start building your streaming empire today!