How to Blocklist on Blerp

How to Blocklist on Blerp

Managing your stream and keeping it engaging can be a bit of a juggling act, especially when it comes to moderating content. One tool that can help you maintain control is Blerp’s blocklist feature. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to use it, ensuring your stream stays fun and respectful.

Blocking Users from Sharing Blerps

To prevent a specific user from sharing Blerps on your stream, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "My Viewers" Tab: Find this option on the left menu of your Blerp dashboard.
  2. Search for the User: Use the search bar at the top of the page to locate the user you want to block.
  3. Select the User: Click on their profile to access their details.
  4. Block the User: Hit the "Block User" button to stop them from sharing Blerps on your stream.

This process ensures that any user you find problematic or disruptive won’t be able to clutter your stream with unwanted Blerps.

Blocking Specific Blerps

Sometimes, you might encounter a Blerp that just doesn’t fit the vibe of your stream. Fortunately, you can block specific Blerps directly from your live history:

  1. Access "My Live History": Navigate to this tab to see the Blerps that have been shared during your streams.
  2. Find the Blerp: Look for the Blerp you want to block.
  3. Select the Three Dots: Located to the right of the Blerp, click on these dots to open the options menu.
  4. Block the Sound: Choose "Block Sound from Sharing" to prevent this particular Blerp from being used in the future.

This method is ideal for quickly addressing Blerps that don’t fit your stream’s content while you’re still exploring new options.

You can also block users from sharing sounds from this menu if you prefer to handle multiple issues at once.

Blocking Blerps from the Discover Page

If you come across a Blerp you’d like to block while browsing, here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the Discover Page: Browse through the available Blerps.
  2. Select the Three Dots: Located in the bottom right corner of the Blerp you want to block.
  3. Block the Blerp: From the drop-down menu, select "Block Blerp from Stream" to ensure it won’t appear on your stream.

By using these blocklisting features, you can keep your stream running smoothly and ensure that your viewers enjoy a positive and engaging experience. Whether it’s managing disruptive users or controlling the content that plays, Blerp’s blocklist tools give you the power to curate your stream exactly how you want it.