Troubleshooting Delayed Blerp Sounds in OBS

Troubleshooting Delayed Blerp Sounds in OBS

If you're experiencing a delay between redeeming a sound on Blerp and the actual alert playing on your stream, it can disrupt the flow of your content and frustrate both you and your viewers. 

While such delays are often frustrating, they can usually be resolved by addressing a few common issues. Here’s a guide to help you troubleshoot and fix delayed Blerp sounds in OBS.

1. VPNs

Using a VPN can often cause delays in your streaming setup, including the playback of Blerp sounds. VPNs route your internet connection through different servers, which can add latency. If you're using a VPN, try disabling it and see if the delay improves.

2. Browser Add-ons and Plugins

Certain add-ons or plugins in your internet browser can interfere with Blerp's performance. To determine if this is the issue:

Disable all your browser add-ons and plugins.

Refresh your browser and test the Blerp sound redemption again.

If the delay is resolved, re-enable your add-ons one by one to identify the culprit.

3. Internet Security Settings

Strict internet security settings can sometimes block or delay Blerp. Check your browser’s security settings and make sure they are not too restrictive. 

4. Anti-virus Software

Anti-virus software can be overly cautious, sometimes blocking or delaying legitimate software like Blerp. One common example is "SkyShield." If you have an anti-virus program running:

Temporarily disable it.

Test Blerp again.

If the delay improves, adjust your anti-virus settings to allow Blerp to function without interference.

5. Internet Connection

An unstable internet connection can cause delays in various streaming components, including Blerp sounds. Ensure your internet connection is stable and robust:

Check for any ongoing network issues.

Try restarting your router.

If possible, use a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi for more stability.

6. OBS Encoder Settings

Your OBS encoder settings play a crucial role in how your stream handles resources. Incorrect or overly demanding settings can cause delays in audio and video synchronization, including Blerp sounds. To adjust your encoder settings:

Open OBS and go to Settings.

Navigate to Output and then Streaming.

Adjust the Preset to a less demanding option, such as "Fast" or "Faster."

These settings help balance the load on your CPU and can reduce delays.

For any further assistance, join our Discord server to get help from our team of Blerp experts.