Streaming aims to unite students with similar abilities into groups to help them achieve better academic results. In theory, this strategy should work effectively as it allows weaker students to move at a slower pace and get a better understanding of the material. There have been many real-life experiments in different schools and different countries. Some show the positive side of streaming implementation, while others focus on the opposing side. This article will discuss both sides to get an objective overview of this educational approach.
Students who lag behind often need to use online services and order custom essays to keep up the fast pace of the studying process. Working on a project together with an experienced writer shows encouraging results. Students get many tips and learn new techniques. Streaming seems to be a logical solution that allows students to study at a comfortable pace. But is it as effective as it looks? Does it have a positive impact on educational achievement? Let's find out.
Different Views on Streaming
The impact of streaming on educational achievement is a complicated issue that has no simple answer. Streaming, which refers to the practice of separating students into different classes or courses based on their perceived academic ability, can have both positive and negative effects on educational achievement. From one point of view, it may help those who often place a "do my essay cheap" request at online services. It means that they lack time to cope with assignments successfully. Online experts can become an intelligent solution to this problem. From another point of view, can streaming divide students into different groups that not only compete with each other but also show signs of disrespect?
Positive Impact
On the one hand, streaming can allow students to be placed in classes better suited to their individual learning needs and abilities, leading to improved academic performance. For example, highly advanced students in a particular subject area may benefit from being placed in an accelerated class where they can be challenged and learn faster. Metaphorically speaking, when a whole class needs to run five circles in a stadium, someone will be the winner who crosses the finish line, and someone will be the last one to do so. Therefore, those who cope with this assignment will have to wait for those who are not as fast. While waiting, they do not spend their time effectively.
Students in the same group motivate each other because they have similar abilities. It is a healthy competition where no one has to worry about hurting the feelings of each other. They can move from one topic to another faster because everybody moves at the same pace. Again, speaking metaphorically, studying in a streamed group is like running five circles but holding hands with each other. Students all start together and cross the finish line together.
Negative Impact
On the other hand, streaming can also negatively affect students in lower-attaining groups. These students may feel stigmatized or marginalized and may struggle to keep up with the curriculum. One of the ways to make things work is to change the groups regularly. When students move from one group to another, they get access to high-quality instruction. Streaming is usually used during math classes. However, recent research demonstrates that this approach is ineffective and leads to weaker students falling behind by one or two months a year.
Additionally, streaming can perpetuate social inequalities and lead to disparities in educational outcomes, as students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may be more likely to be placed in lower-level classes. Sometimes it may even lead to racial segregation and a noticeable decline in students' acceptance of racial differences.
It is worth mentioning that the streaming process can have a basis of subjective criteria. Teachers may consider not only students' academic records but also their behavior and previous achievements. Therefore, deciding the type of group students will get into depends not solely on objective factors.
Streaming may also cause insecurities and low self-esteem. Pupils may do their best to achieve the same results as their peers, but their effort is insufficient. Setting only highlights the differences between pupils and makes the ones from lower-attaining groups feel less appreciated. It is emotionally challenging to stay in an environment that underlines your imperfections.
Also, making an obvious division between children encourages those who show better results to humiliate weaker students. Additionally, streaming is often more helpful for teachers than students. Educators do not have to spend extra attention on those students who can't keep up with the fast pace.
Concluding Thoughts
Overall, the impact of streaming on educational achievement depends on a range of factors, including how it is implemented, the individual needs and abilities of students, and the social and economic context in which it occurs. While streaming may be beneficial in some cases, it is essential for educators to be aware of its potential drawbacks and to take steps to mitigate any negative effects. According to many educators' feedback, streaming is effective for higher-attaining pupils. It does not help those who are weaker when we talk about keeping up with the pace of the studying process.
If we take a look at the overall level of educational achievement, it is crucial to highlight that streaming does not bring students many benefits. There can be slight achievements for higher-attaining students, while the other groups will not benefit from it at all. Moreover, weaker students start showing less impressive results.
Every educational institution can decide whether to implement streaming or not. Every case is unique. However, before educators give this approach a chance, they must explore all the possible advantages and disadvantages. Only then will it be possible to make an informed decision. The goal of every educational approach should be to help students better understand the instructed material. If streaming does not show the expected results in the majority of schools, it is a legitimate reason to have doubts about its usefulness. In any case, students should not suffer from it.