Mostly everyone enjoys streaming their favorite songs on their tech devices. With millions of songs and playlists at our fingertips, it's easy to find the music we love. However, with so many music streaming platforms available, it's challenging to determine which one is worth our time and money.
While the likes of Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music are the most popular, other platforms go unnoticed. Here are some of the most underrated music streaming platforms that you should consider trying out.
Tidal is a music streaming service that has been around since 2014. The platform offers high-fidelity audio quality and exclusive content from top artists. Tidal's HiFi subscription tier provides lossless sound quality, making it the perfect platform for audiophiles.
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Moving along, let’s get back to the topic of Tidal. The platform also offers a unique feature called Tidal X, which hosts live events and concerts that are available exclusively to Tidal subscribers.
Qobuz is a music streaming platform that is geared towards audiophiles and music enthusiasts who are looking for high-quality sound. The platform offers a vast selection of lossless audio and high-resolution music. This provides a more immersive and detailed listening experience than standard compressed music files.
Qobuz also offers a range of editorial content and recommendations to help users discover new music and artists. The platform allows users to browse by genre, artist, album, and more. It offers a range of personalized recommendations based on listening habits. Qobuz has a strong emphasis on curation, with dedicated sections for new releases, bestsellers, and editor's picks.
Idagio is a music streaming platform that is designed for classical music lovers. It offers a vast selection of high-quality classical music recordings from around the world. There's a particular focus on music from Europe.
The platform has a sleek and modern interface that is easy to use. It allows users to browse music by composer, performer, genre, and more. One unique feature of Idagio is its "mood-based playlists," which are designed to create a specific atmosphere or mood, such as "relaxing" or "uplifting." In addition, the platform offers personalized recommendations and the ability to save and organize your favorite tracks and playlists.
Deezer is a French music streaming service that has been around since 2007. It has over 73 million songs and offers a personalized music experience through its Flow feature. Flow is an intelligent algorithm that creates a playlist based on your listening habits. Deezer also offers live radio channels, podcasts, and audiobooks.
Bandcamp is an online music store and music streaming service that has been around since 2007. The platform allows independent artists to upload and sell their music directly to fans. Bandcamp offers a pay-what-you-want model, which means that you can download music for free or pay as much as you want. The platform also offers a music discovery feature, where users can browse and discover new music based on their preferences.
SoundCloud is an online music streaming service that has been around since 2007. It offers a unique platform for independent artists to share and promote their music. The platform offers a free subscription tier that allows users to upload and stream music. SoundCloud also offers a subscription tier called SoundCloud Go, which provides ad-free listening, offline playback, and access to exclusive content.
Mixcloud is a music streaming service that focuses on radio shows, DJ mixes, and podcasts. It has been around since 2008 and has a vast collection of audio content that includes music, talk shows, and live events. Mixcloud offers a personalized listening experience based on your listening habits and provides a unique platform for independent DJs to promote their mixes.
YouTube Music
While YouTube may not immediately come to mind when thinking of music streaming platforms, the platform's dedicated music service, YouTube Music, offers a wide variety of music, as well as music videos and live performances. It also offers a range of playlists and recommendations based on your listening history, making it a great way to discover new music. is a music streaming platform that focuses on live recordings of concerts and performances. It offers a wide variety of content from both well-known and lesser-known artists, making it a great way to experience live music from the comfort of your own home.
Gaana is a music streaming platform that offers a wide variety of music from India and other South Asian countries. It also features a range of podcasts and radio shows, as well as curated playlists and recommendations based on your listening habits.
Anghami is a music streaming platform that focuses on music from the Middle East and North Africa. It offers a wide range of genres and styles, as well as features like lyrics and social media integration that make it a great choice for fans of Arabic music.
JQBX is a platform that allows users to listen to music together in real-time. It integrates with Spotify and allows users to create and join "rooms" where they can listen to and share music with friends and other users.
Final Thoughts
There are several underrated music streaming platforms available that offer a unique listening experience. Whether you're an audiophile, a fan of independent artists, or looking for a personalized listening experience, these platforms are worth considering.