Most Popular Twitch Emotes

Most Popular Twitch Emotes

Twitch, the world's leading live streaming platform for gamers, has its own unique language. One of the cornerstones of Twitch culture is the wide array of emotes used by viewers and streamers alike. These emotes add a touch of humor, emotion, and interaction to the live chat experience. In this article, we'll explore the meaning behind some of the most popular Twitch emotes, providing a comprehensive guide for both new and seasoned Twitch users.


Poggers is an emote used to convey excitement or astonishment. It's often seen during intense gaming moments or when a streamer achieves something impressive. The emote is an evolution of the original PogChamp.


Next up is Kappa, the face of sarcasm on Twitch. This emote is widely used to indicate that a statement should not be taken seriously. It's often seen in response to a sarcastic or trolling comment.


OMEGALUL, derived from "laugh out loud," is an emote that represents uncontrollable laughter. Whenever something hilarious occurs during a stream, you'll find chat flooded with OMEGALULs.


When the stream becomes dull or boring, ResidentSleeper is the emote to use. It depicts a person sleeping and conveys the sentiment of boredom or disinterest.


Kreygasm is an emote that represents intense pleasure or euphoria. It's commonly used to express excitement, admiration, or when something visually appealing happens during a stream.


FailFish is the go-to emote when someone fails or makes a mistake. It's often spammed in chat to mock or tease a streamer who has done something embarrassing or unsuccessful.


When things go wrong or there's a moment of disappointment, FeelsBadMan is the emote to express empathy. It's often used to console streamers or fellow viewers during difficult or unfortunate situations.


4Head is an emote used to convey a mixture of confusion and amusement. It's typically seen when something unusual or unexpected occurs during a stream.


BibleThump represents sadness or sorrow. This emote is often used in response to emotional or heartwrenching moments, both in streams and real life.


When a situation takes a turn for the worse, NotLikeThis is the emote to express disappointment, disbelief, or resignation. It signifies a sense of "this couldn't get any worse."


MonkaS is an emote used to convey anxiety, nervousness, or fear. It's often seen during intense or suspenseful moments in games or when a streamer is facing a difficult situation.


PepeHands features Pepe the Frog with his hands on his face, often used to convey sadness, disappointment, or a feeling of defeat. It's commonly used in response to unfortunate events or moments of despair.


LULW is an enhanced version of LUL. It represents an exaggerated laugh or a burst of laughter. It's typically used in response to something funny or entertaining during a stream.


Pepega depicts Pepe the Frog with a wide-open mouth and bulging eyes. It's used to portray someone who is silly, foolish, or lacking intelligence. Pepega is often used humorously to refer to a funny or oblivious moment.


KEKW is an emote that represents an intense burst of laughter or amusement. It originated from the face of Juan "El Risitas" Joya, a Spanish comedian. KEKW is commonly used in response to hilarious or absurd situations during a stream.


5Head showcases a person with an enlarged forehead, symbolizing intelligence or cleverness. It's used when someone demonstrates sharp thinking or when viewers want to express admiration for a smart play or decision.